
Gujarat State Petronet Limited (hereinafter referred to as “GSPL” or “Owner”) is a Limited liability company incorporated under the provisions of the erstwhile Companies Act 1956, engaged in business of transportation of natural gas through pipelines connecting various supply and demand centres in Gujarat. The company was incorporated on 23rd Dec 1998 with its registered office at GSPC Bhavan, Sector-11, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. GSPL has been certified for ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 for Gas Grid pipeline Network.

GSPL has pipeline network of about 2692 km across the State of Gujarat and further extension of pipeline network is going on in phased manner.

Vendor Enlistment (VE)

Goods and services provided by our suppliers have a key impact on the quality of the products, solutions and services we offer to our customers. Vendor Enlistment (VE) is a process through which a vendor associate them self with Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL). In order to Government of India’s philosophy of “Ease of Doing Business”, Vendor Enlistment process in GSPL have been made online with simplified and more business friendly with following salient features;

  • Making Vendor Enlistment centralized (centralized storage of vendor data/info)
  • Evaluation of vendors based on soft copy documents (paperless online review)
  • Faster turnaround time

Steps for Vendor Enlistment (VE) Application   User Manual for How to Apply?
Step: 1

-Vendor Enlistment Procedure
-Product/Service Categories
-Standard T & C

Step: 2

Enroll to Create Login ID & Password

Step: 3
Application Type

-New Application
-Update Database

Step: 4
Fill the Form

Fill Vendor Enlistment Form (VEF) with supporting document.

Step: 5

Submit Application with checking all Terms & Conditions

  • 1

    Review Vendor Enlistment Process (T&C, Product/Service Categories)

  • 2

    "" For all categories

  • 3

    Five Verticals

  • 4

    Fill Vendor Enlistment Form (VEF) with supporting document.

  • 5

    Terms & Conditions