Vendor Enlistment Procedure

  1. 1.      Introduction about GSPL:


Gujarat State Petronet Limited (hereinafter referred to as “GSPL” or “Owner”) is a Limited liability company incorporated under the provisions of the erstwhile Companies Act 1956, engaged in business of transportation of natural gas through pipelines connecting various supply and demand centers in Gujarat. The company was incorporated on 23rd Dec 1998 with its registered office at GSPC Bhavan, Sector-11, Gandhinagar, Gujarat. GSPL has been certified for ISO 9001:2015, ISO-14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 for Gas Grid pipeline Network.


GSPL has pipeline network of about 2800 KM across the State of Gujarat and further extension of pipeline network is going on in phased manner.


  1. 2.      Assessing authority:


GSPL has appointed a Third Party Inspection Agency (TPIA) - M/s Certification Engineers International Limited (CEIL), A Govt. of India Undertaking (Subsidiary of EIL), for vendor enlistment activity (review vendor’s documents, inspection etc.). Based on TPIA’s recommendation, GSPL shall take suitable decision which shall be treated as final.


  1. 3.      Purpose:


Goods and Services provided by suppliers have a key impact on the quality of the products, solutions and services we offer to our customers. Vendor Enlistment (VE) is a process through which vendor associates them-self with Gujarat State Petronet Limited (GSPL).


The purpose of Vendor Enlistment Procedure is to draw guidelines for providing services for evaluation of vendor’s qualification and capability effectively, identify the deficiencies, evolve a standard method to select and qualify vendors and conduct fact based independent evaluation of vendor’s capability, reliability with respect to client’s requirements for maintaining a progressive vendor database.


  1. 4.       Vendor Enlistment Procedure:


The Vendor Enlistment Procedure is mainly divided in to three (3) parts as mentioned below;


a)      Documentation Review:


Vendor’s application along with supporting documents shall be submitted to TPIA after preliminary review by GSPL. TPIA shall review the documents and coordinate with respective vendors for any query/additional documents. Based on the credentials, TPIA shall prepare preliminary document assessment report for GSPL’s review.


b)      Site assessment (product/service demonstration):

Successful scrutiny of documents shall be followed by factory/product/service demonstration (domestic vendors) at site location by team of TPIA, GSPL may accompany. TPIA shall furnish site visit report. TPIA shall coordinate/follow-up with vendors for any additional inputs, queries, corrective measures etc. and based on that shall prepare preliminary site assessment report for GSPL’s review.


c)      Recommendation of TPIA:


Based on documents review and site assessment process, as may be applicable, TPIA shall submit their recommendation report (recommended/ not-recommended) to GSPL for further necessary action.


Based on TPIA’s reports, GSPL shall take obtain approval of competent authority for revision of GSPL’s Approved Vendor List on periodic basis. Enlistment letters with approval details/ Rejection letter with causes of non-consideration to be issued to applicants/vendors.


  1. 5.      Reference documents:


  • Vendor Enlistment Form (Annexure-1);
  • Evaluation Report (Annexure-2)
  • Rating (Annexure-3);
  • Minimum Eligibility Criteria (Annexure-4);
  • GSPL’s standard QAP/Specifications;
  • Latest codes & standards, Safety procedures as per standard Industry Practice;
  • GSPL’s Online Vendor Enlistment Portal;
  • Any other documents established with mutual consent of GSPL & TPIA


  1. 6.      Confidentiality:


All the information and documents related to job shall be kept confidential. It will not be shared with any outside parties other than TPIA appointed for the job.


Evaluation Report & Rating recommended by TPIA shall be confidential and shall not be shared with applicants/vendors.


GSPL is authorized to amend the procedure at any time of the process and such amendment(s) shall be accepted by applicants/vendors.